Owner Spotlight

Meet Subaru owners from every walk of life. Experience their personal adventures and see why other owners love their Subaru.

Celebrating Beer One Cartoon at a Time
Owner Spotlight

Celebrating Beer One Cartoon at a Time

Never giving up led to success for Subaru Crosstrek owner Em Sauter, who founded Pints and Panels to share her whimsical beer cartoons with others.

Subaru Forester Owner Guides Hikers Through the White Mountains
Owner Spotlight

Subaru Forester Owner Guides Hikers Through the White Mountains

Steven D. Smith has edited or co-edited the Appalachian Mountain Club’s White Mountain Guide for nearly 25 years and has authored several related books. He offers tips for hikers based on his experiences.

Outfitting a Generation of Outdoorsy Kids in Maine
Owner Spotlight

Outfitting a Generation of Outdoorsy Kids in Maine

Along Maine’s craggy coast, new boutiques are opening to gear up families for a lifetime of adventure and wonder in the natural world.